As a part of the HerInDep results dissemination, Lenka J. Budilová presented a paper at the 11th Conference of the International Association of Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA) that was held in Prishtina, Kosovo, in September 19-22, 2024. The topic of the conference named "In, out, and between" was transnational and internal migration in Southeastern Europe.
Lenka J. Budilová presented a paper together with Marek Jakoubek, focused on the topic of the "Czech" cultural heritage in southeastern Europe, namely the so called "Czech" houses in the former colonization villages in Romanian and Serbian Banat and the Bulgarian village of Voyvodovo. They argued that to become the "Czech cultural heritage" the houses must have gone through the process of "nationalization", in a similar way as the respective groups of people.