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  • Study Visit in Lithuania

Study Visit in Lithuania

Study visit Kaunas (Lithuania) November 5 – 7, 2023

At the beginning of November, the HerInDep research team took part in another study visit to Kaunas. We were hosted by members of the research team from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Kaunas University of Technology and enjoyed a very fruitful and productive team meeting.

On the first day, the members of the project research team presented their research questions, discussed the progress of the study and future plans. Presentations were prepared by all project partners. In the afternoon, a guided tour of Kaunas city centre was organised by Algimantas Grigas. We were able to admire the interwar modernist architecture (inscribed on the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List in 2023), as well as the Old Town of Kaunas. Kaunas city centre is an area being analysed by a team of Lithuanian researchers.

On the second day of the visit, we took part in a workshop with students from Kaunas University of Technology and local community members. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the cultural heritage of Kaunas city centre and to propose a way to involve the local population in the protection of the heritage and to increase their resilience. The workshop was conducted using the Challenge-based learning (CBL) method (workshop facilitator Jurga Vitkuvienė), generating ideas in mixed working groups consisting of project participants, local community representatives and young researchers. Chairman of the Association of Kaunas community centres Ramūnas Navickas, also participated in this workshop, as a representative of the project's associate partner.

In the afternoon, ongoing events such as the conference and project publications were discussed.

Last change: January 11, 2024 14:49 
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